Thursday, April 14, 2011

The End of Story Time

Today was the last week of story times until next fall.  I have done this for an entire year!  (Minus one because I was in Senegal.)  (Minus four months because it's not technically a year.)  STILL, this is a momentous occasion.  One boy in my toddler story time even brought me a tulip, so obviously this is big.

I remember being incredibly nervous the first time I stood in front of a group of children and their caretakers, then proceeded to entertain by reading stories, singing songs, and jumping around like an idiot.  I quickly learned to embrace looking stupid, and really, I think that is the key to being a children's librarian.

Some families have come every week, and I've loved getting to know the children and adults.  It's the moments after story time, when a kid shows me what book they are reading or sneakily grins at me through my window, that make me love my job. 

So even though I am greatly looking forward to the freedom of not planning weekly story times (too bad I am now planning a little thing called Summer Reading), I will miss the kids and their families!  If one calm day I burst into "If You're Happy and You Know It," please know, dear library patron, that I am not crazy.  I'm just nostalgic.

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