Monday, April 4, 2011

Bridget's Beret by Tom Lichtenheld

Book Jacket

Bridget loves to draw, and she likes to wear a beret for inspiration.  So when her beloved hat blows away, Bridget searches for it high and low.  She files a Missing Beret Report.  She even considers other hats, but none of them feel quite right.  It's no use; without her beret, Bridget can't seem to draw.  How will she overcome her artist's block?


I like to write/draw/paint as a hobby, so I can completely relate to Bridget's artist's block.  However, I am a little jealous that a lemonade stand was all it took to get her back to creating.  Of course I'm also jealous of her adorably clever lemonade posters, which are knockoffs of Van Gogh and Uncle Sam.  There are nods to art throughout the book.  My favorite was the reference to her "permanent exhibit" (the refrigerator) and her "limited viewing" (in sidewalk chalk). 

This is a great book for kids and adults, reminding us that creativity isn't bound to any special hat or place or object.  Art can happen anywhere with anything!

Four out of five paintbrushes.

Release Date:  April 2010
Reading Level:  Grade K+
Where In Dunlap Public Library's Collection:  MONARCH

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