Book Jacket
Kyo finishes telling Tohru about his role in her mother's death and how the reason he disappeared for so long was beause he felt so guilty about it. He explains that he overcame his guilt by blaming everything on Yuki, but he now realizes that he was only running away from his own feelings. But how will he react when Tohru tells him how she really feels about him?!
Poor baby Kyo. He's so messed up, but seriously? He pours out his heart to Tohru (finally!), but when she refuses to hate him, he just...runs away? NO. Bad kitty! That seemed a bit like a regression in character development, but I guess Takaya has to keep the story interesting.
And as if that weren't bad enough for rejected Tohru, Akito shows up! With a knife! And then there's a....landslide? Whatever, it makes with the dramatic! Even though it seemed a little odd that Akito would feel so badly about hurting Tohru, I really really enjoyed his/her emotional breakdown. This bond thing is all kinds of weird and sad and touching. I can completely understand the fear that Akito has, relinquishing control of relationships and letting people CHOOSE whether or not to love him/her.
I also really like Yuki's newfound assertiveness. He isn't afraid to put Kyo in his place (this time because he wants the best for Kyo, not because he hates him), and he is putting the moves on Machi. Good for him.
Four out of five Mogeto plushies.
Release Date: November 2008
Reading Level: Grade 7+
Where In Dunlap Public Library's Collection: GRAPHIC TAK
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