Book Jacket
Book Two left off with Gregor reading the Prophecy of Blood: a prophecy that calls for Gregor and Boots to return to the Underland to help ward off a deadly plague. But this time, Gregor's mother refuses to let him return to the Underland...until the rat Ripred assures the family that Gregor and Boots are just needed for a short meeting, which the crawlers will attend only if their "princess" Boots is present. Gregor's mom finally relents, on the condition that she go with them. The Underland plague is spreading, and when one of Gregor's family is stricken, he begins to understand his role in the Prophecy of Blood, and must summon all his power to end the biological warfare that threatens the warmblooded creatures of the Underland. Fans of Suzanne Collins's acclaimed fantasy series will find more suspense and action than ever in this thrilling third saga.
After the epic bromance of Gregor and Ares....Ares becomes deathly ill and they cannot adventure together. Sad. Luckily, there is always Ripred to fill the empty space in my heart. Gregor, his sister, and the snarky rat are off on another quest to save the Underland. This time they are joined by two rats (I love how subtley Collins is dealing with, and healing, the animosity between the humans and the rats) and two mysterious jungle-dwelling humans! I loved Hamnet and Hazard. I love that the Underlanders are starting to lose their pride by learning the languages of the other Underland creatures. The mental image I have of Hazard screeching in Lizard is pretty hilarious, I have to say.
The threat of a plague was nicely ominous. There was a real sense of danger to the story. The twist at the end was horrible and emotionally the best possible way. I love that Collins' is willing to explore the heights, and often the depths, of humanity to tell a good story.
Four out of five rat-eating plants.
Release Date: July 2005
Reading Level: Grade 4+
Where In Dunlap Public Library's Collection: YPL COL
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